5-Pin Wireling Cables
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Wirelings use a 5 Pin Cable in order to make our platform plug-and-play so you can build fast without soldering or using messy breadboards. New to Wirelings? Check out the Wireling Overview!
These cables come in lengths of 50mm, 100mm, and 200mm and a variety of quantities.
The Variety Pack of Wireling cables includes 12 cables:
- 4-50mm cables
- 4-100mm cables
- 4-200mm cables
These cables can be cut and used to solder other components so that anything can be easily used with the Wireling Platform, or you can use our 0.1" Breakout Wireling to add in any device you want:

- Power: Two wires are used for power (3V3) and ground (GND) in order to power the connected Wireling (of course!)
- Communication: Many Wirelings use I²C, a serial communication protocol that uses two other wires for SDA and SCL to collect complex data like temperature readings.
- Analog Pin: The fifth wire is connected to an Analog pin for Wireling that just need an I/O pin to function, like the Momentary Button, and the RGB LEDs.
Connector: SHR-05V-S-B