TinyZero Processor, new products + kits!
TinyZero Processor $19.95
TinyZero is TinyCircuits' second generation processor board, adding performance upgrades and additional features to the original TinyDuino. TinyZero is based on the Atmel SAMD21 32-bit ARM Cortex M0+ processor (the same one used in the Arduino Zero) and provides a USB connectivity port, power management and battery charger in a single 20x20mm board. This processor board also has an optional accelerometer version, which adds the low power Bosch BMA250 3-axis accelerometer to the same board without increasing the size. We've kept our standard TinyShield expansion port, allowing for use of all of our current shields, and all 20 IO pins are available for use. Note: The battery is not included and is sold separately.
The TinyZero Processor Board is available in two variations:
- Without accelerometer - TinyZero with all the features mentioned above, except the 3-axis accelerometer.
- With accelerometer - TinyZero with a built in Bosch BMA250 3-axis accelerometer
Main Features:
- Atmel SAMD21 processor (same as is used on the Arduino Zero)
- More memory compared to TinyDuino (both Flash and RAM)
- TinyShield expansion connector, built in micro USB connection
- Power switch, regulator, lithium battery management on board
- Precision clock crystal and Real Time Clock hardware built in, low power standby
- Optional 3-axis accelerometer
- Up to 10 ADC inputs, up to 10 PWM outputs, up to 16 external interrupts
TinyZero Basic Kit $29.95
This TinyZero Basic Kit has the bare essentials to get going with the TinyZero!
This kit includes the following items:
- TinyZero Processor Board w/ accelerometer option - Runs your Arduino programs on a fast 32-bit ARM processor with 256KB of flash memory.
- TinyShield Proto board (without top connector) - Used to connect to external circuitry if needed.
- 150 mAh Rechargable Lithium Polymer Battery - Used to power your TinyDuino projects.
MicroSD + Audio $19.95
This TinyShield is designed specifically for the TinyScreen+ to allow for video playback in a very compact package. This TinyShield adds a microSD Adapter to store video and image files, an audio amplifier for driving a speaker, and an IR receiver. The 16x9 speaker is also included with this board and can be connected to the speaker port.
Note: This does not include the microSD card (sold separately), you can get a compatible microSD card here.
Tiny Video Player Kit $59.95
This Tiny Video Player Kit lets you create a TinyScreen+ video player in an extremely small form factor. The OLED is a brilliant 16 bit color 96x64 pixel display, capable of up to 40 FPS 16 bit color video playback from a microSD card, with single channel line-level audio output! The TinyScreen+ is preloaded with software to allow for video playback, and a speaker, battery and microSD card with examples videos are provided. Just turn it on and it will start playing back the videos.
This kit includes the following items:
- TinyScreen+ Processor Board - Runs the program, has a SAMD 32-bit processor, OLED screen, USB and power circuitry.
- microSD / Audio TInyShield - Designed specifically for use with the TinyScreen+, this TinyShield has the microSD card adapter, audio driver and IR receiver (which can receive TV remote control signals).
- 290 mAh Rechargable Lithium Polymer Battery - Used to power your video player, and is recharged when the USB is plugged into the TinyScreen+ board.
- 16x9 Speaker - for audio playback on videos
- 8GB microSD card and Adapter - preloaded with sample videos.
TinyZero IoT Kit $59.95
This TinyZero IoT Kit lets you get started creating an Internet of Things (IoT) project, using the TinyZero processor and the ATWINC1500 WiFi TinyShield. This kit allows easy creation of miniature IoT projects using the TinyZero.
This kit includes the following items:
- TinyZero Processor Board w/ accelerometer option - Runs your Arduino programs on a fast 32-bit ARM processor with 256KB of flash memory.
- WiFi TinyShield (ATWINC1500) - Connect your projects to the Internet easily over WiFi with this TinyShield.
- TinyShield Proto board (without top connector) - Used to connect to external circuitry if needed.
- 150 mAh Rechargable Lithium Polymer Battery - Used to power your TinyZero projects.

NRF24L01 + Radio $29.95
This radio TinyShield is based around the very popular Nordic NRF24L01+ radio transceiver. The TinyShield is set to operate at 2.4GHz, can transmit at up to 2Mbps, and is very easy to use. This transceiver allows for long range communication between radios and is designed for an open field range of up to 100 meters, which makes this great for outdoor sensors or RC control of drones and vehicles.
An U.FL antenna connection is included on the board, along with a 2.4GHz whip antenna. The TinyShield incorporates a voltage regulator to ensure proper and safe operation over the entire TinyDuino operating voltage range up to 5V.