Note: This TinyShield has been discontinued and replaced with the Bluetooth Low Energy TinyShield (ST)
Our Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) TinyShield allows you to connect your TinyDuino system to any compatible iOS or Android (4.3+) device using Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth Smart and Bluetooth 4.0). This technology is great for low power sensors and accessories and works with most modern phones without the need for jailbreaking on iOS devices. This TinyShield is based around the popular Bluegiga BLE112 module, and allows wireless communication up to 10 meters away. The TinyShield also includes power supply and level shifters on the board, so you can run your TinyDuino from 3.0V – 5V.
The Bluegiga BLE112 supports both master and slave modes, so you can communicate between two of them. If you only need slave mode (such as connecting your TinyDuino to a smartphone), take a look at the Bluetooth Low Energy TinyShield Nordic version which is easier to use and lower cost.
Note: This product is for ADVANCED USERS, and requires that the user develops their own iOS or Android BLE app in order to use this. Bluegiga hosts several example apps on how to use BLE communcations here.
To learn more about the TinyDuino Platform, click here.