Maker Faire New York - 2017

Maker Faire New York - 2017

Thanks to everyone who stopped by at New York Maker Faire 2017! We had a blast seeing some old faces and meeting new ones. For those who missed it, here's a recap of the weekend!

The Trip to NYC




Four of the TinyCircuits crew (Nick, Dave, Ben and Ken) loaded up Friday morning to make the 7 hour drive to NYC. There was no extra room in our full size SUV once we packed it full our booth supplies and the fully playable Giant Tiny Arcade that we built specifically for the event and Dave's headroom was a bit constricted during the drive.  Made from insulation foam board, this Giant Tiny Arcade uses the exact same innards as a standard Tiny Arcade, but with a 96x64 LED matrix for the screen, and a large joystick and buttons.

We stayed in the Bushwick area of Brooklyn in a really nice AirBnB close to where the Faire and guarded by a group of street cats, who were not amused by our midwestern ways.  



We actually arrived on time for the Friday night Maker party for the first time in a few years, so we were treated to some free drinks and Paella, which is a Maker Faire staple, and caught up with some maker friends before the hectic weekend.


The Faire

The weather was great, and Saturday started off strong and the crowd never really let up for the entire weekend. The mega "tiny" arcade was a huge hit (and survived the whole weekend amazingly) - some people actually thought that was out project, only to have their minds blown when shown the real Tiny Arcades. The Tiny Saber was also a big hit, as well as all of the other tiny projects we showed off over the weekend.

Maker Partners & Customers

These makers at World Maker Faire 2017 featured TinyCircuits hardware and design in their projects!  We're proud to be a part of the Maker community, and we're committed to helping make the world open-source.

Maker Health - Jose, Anna, and Nick were here with the whole MIT and MakerHealth team, so it was great to catch up and check out all the latest things they are up to, including a bunch based around TinyCircuits. Also had the chance to see Jose Gomez-Marquez give a great talk about the Maker revolution in Healthcare, and the way Maker technology is transforming how medical devices can be developed and used by patients.

Digi-Key - One of the main sponsors of the Maker Faire, and a new place to get TinyCircuits at, Digi-key was showing off all sorts of projects this year at Maker Faire, and if you look closely at their display, TinyCircuits is a part of the Digi-key family now

The Anand Family - Locals from Akron, this family always shows off a great range of products, this year they had three medical / space projects they were showing off.  1.Biomimicry inspired exoskeleton-like device for upper extremity rehab 2.Microgravity simulator for animal experiments for space travel 3. ioT Toothbrush for Grip Strength Measurement for Neurological Disorders

The Akron Makerspace - Our friends (plus some of us are members) from the Akron Makerspace were out at Maker Faire with their power wheels racing entry, inspired by the classic 80's movie Maximum Overdrive.