Happy New Year! Shipments Start!

Happy New Year! Shipments Start!

We hope everyone's year is starting off well and you had a great holiday season. We've been busy working on getting TinyDuino's built up and I'm happy to announce that after a bit of a delay, we have officially begun shipping Kickstarter rewards!  (Note: You will receive an email confirmation when your rewards ships out).  Some of the very early backers will receiving their orders this Friday in the US Mail!  

Note: If you're one of the early backers that receive your order soon, please send some pics of your first project to share with everyone else.

But now for some bad news...

There was a mistake on the TinyDuino processor PCB for the last large order we made, which we didn't catch till late in the production. We've ordered a new batch of PCBs that correct this and will be in early next week. Essentially the battery pad on the bottom of the TinyDuino Processor board is not connected - the TinyDuino processor boards still work fine as long as you do not use them with a battery clip and a coin cell. So if you requested a TinyDuino board without a battery clip, then you may be one of the lucky ones getting your order very soon. 

If you requested one with a battery clip, or ordered any battery clips extra, we'll be shipping you out boards out of the new batch. We anticipate that these will start shipping in about 1 1/2 weeks from now. The TinyLily's will also start shipping out around this time as well. 

Updated Website / Webstore

Look for some major updates to the Tiny-Circuits.com website over the next few weeks as we begin to roll out the webstore.  The webstore will let you purchase any of the items we offered during the Kickstarter campaign, and we have a number of new products that will be coming out over the next few months.  

Note: The webstore will not start taking orders until we are able to fullfill all of the Kickstarter rewards first.  

Examples / Demos 

As part of the updated website, we'll be adding a number of instructional examples, plus cool projects / demos that you can do with your TinyCircuits.  We also welcome user submissions for examples and projects, such as hosted on our site or through someplace like Instructables.  If you are interested in creating some examples that others can use to learn to use the TinyDuino, please feel free to contact me directly (kburns@tiny-circuits.com), and if it's a good project we'll be happy to reward your work with some free stuff!

Progress of TinyCircuits

It's been an incredible few months since we launched the initial Kickstarter campaign in mid September.  Since then, we've moved out of a small spare bedroom in my house to a permanent location, and have just this last month doubled our space here in Akron to now have over 3000 sq ft.  We now have in place a full SMT production line that is working extremely well, and have acquired a new piece of production equipment (an automatic solder paste printer) since the last update.  We do want to thank you all for your patience and support during this time and helping to kickstart TinyCircuits!


If you live in the Northeast Ohio area and are interested in working at TinyCircuits, we are looking to hire for several part-time positions, including assemblers / testers, shipping / receiving, and SMT operators / SMT rework techs.  We are very flexible on work hours initially, so if you have time in the evening or weekends, still feel free to apply.  If you are interested, please contact me at kburns@tiny-circuits.com

Akron Hackerspace Opening Day this Saturday

If you live in the Northeast Ohio area and are interested in Makerspaces / Hackerspaces, please stop by the Opening Day festivities for SYN/HAK, the Akron Hackerspace.  We've just moved into a new space close to downtown Akron, and you'll be able to tour the space, meet other makers, work on electronics kits, get some free stuff (possibly some free TinyCircuits stuff as well :), and there will be free food.  For more information, please check the below link:


