Using TinyShield ProtoBoards Tutorial

Using TinyShield ProtoBoards Tutorial

The TinyDuino supports all of the standard Arduino shield signals, and you can get access to any of these through the use of the TinyShield Proto Boards. There are currently three available Proto Boards, each with different signals or spacing options. How to Use To use a prototyping board you can solder in a header type connector, or just solder wires directly into the correct hole for the signals that you need. Attach it to the top of the stacked connectors on your TinyDuino, and now your wire is connected back to that signal on the TinyDuino processor boards.

Below are pictures that show each of the proto boards and where each signal is located.

TinyShield Proto1

The TinyShield Proto1 Board has every Arduino shield signal available on it, and the pins are spaced 2mm (.0787″) apart.


TinyShield Proto2

The TinyShield Proto2 Board supports a subset of the Arduino signals (includes all the analog signals and some digital) with a pin spacing of 2.54mm (0.1″), which is the same spacing as on the standard Arduino.


TinyShield Proto3

The TinyShield Proto3 Board supports a subset of the Arduino signals (and includes all of the digital signals, but no analog signals) with a pin spacing of 2.54mm (0.1″), which is the same spacing as on the standard Arduino.


TinyShield Terminal Block

The TinyShield Terminal Block Board has every Arduino shield signal available on it around three edges of the boards, with a pin spacing of 2.54mm (0.1"), and can be used with or without screw terminal blocks. With the screw terminals, wires can be connected to TinyDuino signals without soldering needed.